headspace Dandenong & Hastings Referral Form - For Self, Family or Friends

This form will take approximately 9 minutes to complete. 

If you need help understanding or completing this form and English is not your fluent language, you can contact an interpreter through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. When you call, mention the provider number C037254 or simply say "headspace Dandenong" for assistance with the form. The service is free of cost to use.

Please note that headspace is not an acute mental health service or crisis service.  If you have concerns for a person's immediate safety, please contact:

  • For urgent medical assistance please call: 000

  • Psychiatric Triage Service (Monash catchment): 1300 369 012

  • Peninsula Triage (Peninsula catchment): 1300 792 977

Young Person Details:

Referrer Information

EACH programs - headspace Dandenong & headspace Hasings will collect personal information from you (such as your personal, family and contact details) so we can provide you with quality care.  We need your permission to collect and keep your personal information.

Link to relevant EACH brochure:

Consent to collect & store personal information

Consent to collect & store your personal information (please tick)